Monday, April 19, 2010

Upload photos to orkut or to facebook using Picasa Plugins

I was searching for a way to upload photos from picasa directly to orkut or face book.
then i came accross a 2 nice plugins!
For facebook upload:
For orkut upload :

Open both downloads using picasa. This will create facebook and orkut icons inside picasa which will allow you to upload directly.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Nice Site to Learn/Solve Problems in CSS : CSS-Tricks

I was browsing the net for some CSS problem i had in my project . Then i came to a very nice site called CSS Tricks . This is a site for advanced users. who have some practical experience in using CSS. I was impressed by the reasons and solutions given to some of the hectic CSS issues.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Installing Flex Builder on Eclipse 3.5 Problem Solved!

Here’s a blog post by a frustrated developer who seems to have found out how to set up the Flex Builder plugin with Eclipse 3.5 (I have tried it and it works!).  Thank you, frustrated developer!

From the post:

(1) Download and install Eclipse 3.5. I used the J2EE install.
(2) Download and run the Flex Builder 3 installer.
(3) Ignore all the warnings that it only supports Eclipse 3.3 and 3.4. Just keep telling it that you know what you are doing and want to install it anyway. It will end with a scary message about failing and suggest you do a manual install from inside of eclipse. Don’t do that!
(4) Here is the magic, when it is done there will be a file in your eclipse/links directory called .( Note if the links folder do not exists then create this folder and also create a file called "" without any further extensions)
Open that file in wordpad and you will see it contains one line:

C:/Program Files/Adobe/Flex Builder 3 Plug-in

Edit that line so it looks like this:

path=C:/Program Files/Adobe/Flex Builder 3 Plug-in

Save the file and start eclipse. Voilla!